chilled sorrel soup

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Looking for something new and different to make? Then look no further. This chilled soup will fit the bill. I love the tangy, lemony flavor of sorrel and when you add coconut milk to the mix, you end up with a very fragrant taste. Courtney from The Home Ranch, tried out this recipe from the Intolerant Gourmet and is excited to share it with you.


3-4 cups fresh sorrel, stemmed, cleaned and cut across into quarter-inch strips

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 ½ cups chicken stock or vegetable broth

1 cup coconut milk

4 egg yolks

Kosher salt

Creating the Magic!

Pat the sorrel dry and put it into a stainless steel pot with olive oil. Stirring occasionally, cook over medium-low heat for about 15 minutes until wilted and no longer green.

Add the stock and bring to a simmer. In a small bowl, gently whisk together the coconut milk and egg yolks. Still whisking, add some of the sorrel and stock mixture to the yolks. Stir back into the remaining sorrel mixture. Heat, stirring particularly in the corners and bottom of the pot, until thickened. Stir in a pinch of salt to taste.

Remove from heat and stir until cool to the touch. Refrigerate until chilled.


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