garden potato salad

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Looking for a new recipe for potato salad? Then look new further. This recipe uses fresh herbs and a lemon or lime vinaigrette dressing. It’s refreshing and lighter than traditional potato salad. A big thank you to Courtney from The Home Ranch for this recipe!


2 pounds of potatoes

2 tablespoons lemon or lime juice

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 teaspoons Dijon mustard

Salt and Pepper to taste

Scallions, chives, or chive blossoms

1 stalk of lovage

Creating the Magic!

If you are using large potatoes, chop them up into smaller pieces before boiling. Smaller potatoes can go whole into the pot (I love using the red potatoes shown in the photo). Cover your potatoes with water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium and cook at a low boil for about 25 minutes, or until the potatoes are easily pierced with a fork. You can also steam your potatoes if you prefer.

While the potatoes are boiling, combine the lemon or lime juice, mustard, oil, salt and pepper in a large bowl, and whisk until smooth.

Once your potatoes are done cooking, drain them, remove them from the heat, and let them cool a bit. When the potatoes are cool enough to handle, chop them into bite sized pieces and add to the mustard mixture. Toss to combine, and top with chopped lovage and chives until the potatoes are evenly covered. Lovage has a strong flavor so if you don’t like it, then feel free to omit or replace with parsley.


rhubarb crumble


drying herbs