journaling; a love of words


I love to write. I have kept a journal for years and for a while I used to write every morning. I notice that when I am relaxed and feel like I have time and space, writing comes more easily. Whenever I am on vacation, I always seem to find time to write. Before boarding the plane, I treat myself to a new journal and then spend hours filling the pages. Sometimes I write pose, other times it’s poetry.

Writing in the morning often gives me clarity for the day ahead. I always feel better after I have put pen to paper.

I am trying to incorporate writing back into my day but I have to be honest and say it’s hard to find the time. Currently I am prioritizing meditation in the morning rather than writing. Even waking up at 6am, it’s hard to find the time to do everything I want to do before my family wake up (unfortunately my daughter is an early riser!). Reading back through my journals, I came across these poems I wrote and wanted to share them with you. Enjoy.

My breath

The sound of my breath

Fills my ears

The steady inhale

The soft exhale

Grounding me, I surrender

Nothing else matters

Only the rise and fall of breath

Thoughts come and go

I notice them

And let them go

All that matters is breath

This simple act of breathing

Is my grounding force

I close my eyes

And listen.


I’m grateful for

This moment in time

To sit here and reflect

Together, united, safe

Surrounded by beauty and love

For the breath

That gives me life

Often overlooked

Taken for granted

For my body

That moves

From pose to pose

Strong and stable

Pushing boundaries

Challenging me

For my mind

Upon finding stillness

Quietens and shows me

My path

My practice is a

Dance of gratitude

Here on my mat

I find the doorway

To my soul

My hearts desire

The light shines

And I soak it up

So thankful



I close my eyes and smile

My body starts to melt

And I let go

I have arrived

My journey has taken me here

To this place

A secret place

That only I can enter

A place of serenity

Of beauty

Of grace

A place of stillness

A place where my heart sings

Of color, of vibrancy, of love

A place where my heart is revealed

I stop and listen

And notice

And smile.


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middle eastern-inspired plant based salad