overnight oats with berries

Uncooked oats are a great prebiotic source, and adding live natural yogurt adds a dose of probiotics. Soaking nuts and seeds also helps to ease digestion and increase the absorption of vitamins and minerals. This recipe comes from Healthy Gut Handbook by Justine Pattison.

Serves 2


1 apple

150g frozen mixed berries *

50g porridge oats

20g mixed seeds

25g mixed nuts, chopped

1 tablespoon runny honey

100g full-fat live natural yogurt

100ml semi-skimmed or whole milk (or dairy-free milk) **


Creating the Magic!

Put the berries in a bowl and thaw for 2-3 hours, or overnight in the fridge. Coarsely grate the apple without peeling it, avoiding the core. Put into a bowl and add the oats, seeds, nuts, honey, yogurt, milk, and half the berries. Mix well together. Cover and chill for several hours or overnight. Spoon the muesli into 2 bowls and top with the remaining berries.

*I decided to make a compote with my berries. I took some fresh berries (or you could thaw out frozen berries) and added them to a saucepan with a little water. I cooked the berries for about 10 minutes until they softened and then mashed them with a potato masher.

**I used homemade almond milk sweetened with dates and flavored with a little cinnamon and vanilla. So good! Feel free to add some spices to your oats and additional honey if using store-bought milk.


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