spinach crepe

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I am always trying to find new ways to increase my daily servings of vegetables so when I stumbled across this recipe in Jamie Oliver’s Ultimate Veg cookbook, I couldn’t wait to try it. It is super easy to make and very versatile. A great brunch, lunch or light dinner option which can be filled with diverse fillings. Change it up and replace the spinach with a variety of herbs such as parsley, mint, basil or tarragon. Get creative and have fun!

Serves 6


3.5 oz baby spinach

1 egg

1 cup self raising flour

1 cup reduced fat milk (2%) or semi-skimmed

Salt and pepper

Creating the Magic!

  1. Crack the egg into a blender, add the flour, milk, spinach and a dash of salt and pepper and blitz until smooth.

  2. Place a large non-stick frying pan on a medium heat, rub the pan with a little olive oil, then pour in a thin layer of batter, swirling it up and around the edges.

  3. Cook on one side for 2 minutes, or until lightly golden, then stack on a serving plate and repeat.


  1. Roasted mushrooms and onions: I roasted some bella mushrooms at 425F for about until 15 minutes (until they were brown) and then added some sauteed onions.

  2. Roasted vegetables and goat cheese: I haven’t tried this filling but it sounds tasty!


veggie tikka masala curry


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