starting a meditation practice

Sunset in Mexico.JPG

Finally, after years of trying, I finally have a consistent meditation practice. Wow! I can’t even believe I am writing this. 25 days ago i downloaded the app ‘Headspace’ after listening to an inspiring interview on NPR’s talk show ‘How I Built This’. I began by listening to the recommended ten day course on Happiness. After the first day, I was hooked. The next morning I woke up, showered and couldn’t wait to start my meditation.

I have a hard time sitting still and my mind is constantly busy. But I was able to let go of my thoughts and simply focus on the guided meditation.

Day 2, I repeated the same routine - a quick shower and then listening to my meditation before heading downstairs…before making lunches, breakfast, the fire etc. etc. Day 3, it started to feel natural. I showered and then mediated. No questions. I stayed focused on the task at hand and didn’t jump ahead to everything else I needed to do (sometimes the list feels endless). It felt great to take ten minutes to myself every morning. I have always said that I don’t have time to meditate. That there isn’t enough time in the day. But I realized that there is plenty of time - it’s just how you think about it. Who doesn’t have time to take ten minutes for themselves each day.

I completed the ten day course and then another ten day course on Letting Go of Stress. Now, I am participating in a 21 Day Free Meditation Course with Deepak Chopra and Oprah.

Meditating is now a habit - as normal as brushing my teeth or eating breakfast.

My daughter has even begun sitting with my on the sofa while I meditate. She colors while listening to the calming music while I repeat the daily mantra.

My Top Tips for Meditating

  1. Download a meditation app - I like Calm and Headspace.

  2. Choose a time of day to mediate that will work for you on a daily basis. Figure out a way to incorporate your daily meditation into your routine.

  3. Set yourself a goal -start small, perhaps 10 minutes a day for 5 days in a row.

  4. Don’t let yourself be sidetracked by ANYTHING, Prioritize your meditation and you!

  5. Congratulate yourself when you reach your goal.

  6. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different apps and types of meditation. There are lots of different types of mediation so experiment with what works for you.


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mindful coloring