Mediterranean Tart

I have wanted to make this tart for a long time. Today, I finally took the time to enjoy time in my kitchen and it felt so good. This was definitely a labor of love but so worth it. The ricotta filling is light and fresh and combines wonderfully with summer seasonal vegetables. First, I made the pastry (super easy), then I roasted the vegetables, made the filling, and put it together right before lunch. If you don’t have time to roast vegetables, then you could fill it with raw cherry tomatoes tossed in olive oil and fresh herbs (this was what the original recipe called for) and place the tomatoes on the ricotta filling. You could also substitute a homemade crust for a store-bought crust if time is an issue.

1 tart


Roasted Vegetables (pie shown in photo) *

2 zucchinis, thinly sliced and roasted in olive oil and salt

1 onion, thinly sliced and roasted in olive oil and salt

1 red pepper, sliced into rings and roasted in olive oil and salt


9 ounces of ricotta

About 1 cup of grated Parmesan or Pecorino

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon honey

2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh herbs (I used basil and thyme)

Zest of 1 lemon

Pie Crust

1 cup plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

1/3 cup cold butter

a little water to bind

1 beaten egg to seal

Creating the Magic!

To Make the Crust

Stir the flour into a large bowl. Cut the butter into cubes. Toss the cubes into the flour and then proceed to lift up a few cubes at a time in each hand. Using your thumbs, break up the butter. As you rub the butter, hold your hands above the bowl and run your fingers through the flour to incorporate as much air as possible to keep the mixture cool. The whole process should only take a minute or two - be careful not to rub the butter too much, or the pastry will be heavy. The pieces should resemble lumpy breadcrumbs. Add salt if using unsalted butter.

Use a fork, toss and stir the pastry as you add just enough water to bind ( 2 to 3 tablespoons). Be careful not to make the pastry too wet or it will shrink in the oven. If the pastry is too dry, it will be difficult to roll out.

When the pastry has come together, turn it onto the work surface and flatten it into an approx. 12-inch round. Cover with wax paper or plastic wrap and set in the fridge for at least 15 minutes to allow the gluten to relax.

Preheat the oven to 350F. Roll out the pastry into a 12-inch round. Lift the pastry over a 9-inch greased pie pan/dish. Trim around the edges with a sharp knife and gently prick the base with a fork. Line with parchment paper and fill with baking beans (or dried beans).

Place the pie tin in the oven and bake ‘blind’ for about 25 minutes until the pie shell is golden. After 25 minutes, remove the pie tin from the oven. Remove the parchment paper and beans. Brush the pie shell with the beaten egg to seal it. Place back in the oven for another 5 to 10 minutes. Set aside to cool.

To Make the Filling

Combine the ricotta and Parmesan/Pecorino in a bowl Add the olive oil, honey, herbs, lemon zest, and a dash of salt, and sprinkle of freshly cracked pepper. Mix gently together. Taste and adjust seasoning accordingly.

Putting the Tart Together

Just before eating, spread the ricotta mixture over the base of the pie shell. Arrange the roasted vegetables on top of the ricotta (or the fresh tomatoes). Season with salt, pepper and a drizzle of honey and some fresh herbs.

Best eaten immediately!

  • Alternatively use 1.5 pounds of fresh tomatoes. Half cherry tomatoes and quarter the larger tomatoes. Toss with olive oil, salt and fresh basil.


Provencal Tomatoes


spicy mango chutney