zucchini fritters

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Wow, I am in love with these fritters! I have thoroughly been enjoying all things Greek in recent weeks from falafel to hummus to kebabs and now these amazing fritters. This recipe comes from Eating European and it’s great! They are great served with a green salad for a main course or serve them as an appetizer (which is how they are traditionally served in Greece).

Kolokithokeftedes (zucchini fritters) originated on the island of Crete, but nowadays you can find them in every restaurant or tavern across the Greek islands. What’s important is that they need to be crispy on the outside, and soft & creamy on the inside. Be sure to squeeze out the liquid from the grated zucchinis and follow the directions on how to cook them to ensure maximum crispiness.

Serves 6


  • 4 Zucchinis (courgette) medium, shredded

  • 1/2 Medium Red Onion, finely chopped

  • 3 tbsp Dill Fresh, finely chopped

  • 2 tbsp Mint Fresh, finely chopped

  • 2 tbsp Chives or Scallions Fresh, finely chopped

  • 1 cup Feta Cheese crumbled

  • 1.5 cup Flour Self Rising Flour (to make self rising flour, simply add 1 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon salt to 1 cup of regular flour).

  • 2 Eggs beaten

  • 4 tbsp Cooking oil for frying or more depending on the size of your pan (recommend canola oil as it can get really hot without burning)

Creating the Magic!

Shred the zucchinis and place into a bowl. Sprinkle with salt and let sit for 30 minutes. Using a colander, squeeze out the excess moisture from the zucchinis and place back into the bowl. (Tip: this is very important if you want crispy fritters, the less moisture from zucchini the better so squeeze out as much liquid as you can - you will be surprised at how much water is released).

Chop the onions and add to the bowl. Chop the herbs (dill, mint & chives) and add to the bowl. Add the crumbled feta cheese into the bowl and mix it all together.

Beat eggs and add to your zucchini mixture. Add flour and mix it all together.

Heat up a heavy skillet (I prefer cast iron, as this distributes the heat evenly) and add some canola oil. (Tip: this is one of the most important steps if you want to achieve crispy fritters, both the skillet and the oil need to be super hot);

Once the oil is hot, using a spoon add a tablespoon of the mixture to the pan. If you want larger fritters, then add a little more mixture however the fritters puff up/expand as they cook so don’t add too much! (Tip: do not overcrowd your pan, as the introduction of too much of the mixture will cool off your oil and then the fritters won’t get crispy).

Cook for about 2-3 minutes on the first side, until golden brown, then flip and cook on the opposite side. Continue with the remaining zucchini mixture until all the fritters are cooked. (Tip: You can keep the fritters warm in the oven while you cook the remaining fritters).

Serve with tzatziki or Greek yogurt. Enjoy.


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