chocolate and coconut truffles

I LOVE chocolate! I don’t have a super sweet tooth, but I can never resist chocolate. These truffles are dairy free and gluten free. The secret ingredient - dates! This recipe works better with super, soft and gooey dates such as fresh Medjool dates. I love the addition of some grated orange rind…it reminds me of eating Terry’s chocolate orange as a child!

Ingredients - Makes 8

50g unsweetened, shredded coconut

12 Medjool dates, pitted and chopped

2 tablespoons coconut cream (I used the cream from a can of regular coconut milk)

1 teaspoon coconut oil

3 tablespoons raw cacao powder

Optional - rind of half an orange, finely chopped.

Creating the Magic!

Place the shredded coconut in a baking tray lined with baking parchment and set to one side.

Put the remaining ingredients in a food processor and pulse until well combined. If the mixture is not coming together, add a splash of water. Once everything has come together, spoon out tablespoons of the mixture and use your hands to roll them into balls. If the mixture is too wet to make into balls, place the mixture in the fridge and wait 30 minutes for it to harden slightly.

Roll the balls in the shredded coconut until well coated then place on a clean baking sheet or dish. Place the dish/baking sheet in the fridge and chill for at least 30 minutes before serving.


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