spicy cucumber mocktail

I have been experimenting with mocktails that are fun, low-sugar and tasty. I tend towards sour rather than sweet so I love anything with cucumber juice and spice. Adapt this recipe to your own taste to make it sweet, sour or spicy! Don’t be afraid to experiment. All you need is a blender. The cucumber juice makes it refreshing on a hot day!

Ingredients - Serves 4

  • 2 cups filtered water

  • 2 limes, freshly-squeezed

  • 1 to 2 jalapeños, chopped

  • 1 cucumber, peeled + chopped

  • pinch of sea salt

  • 1/2 cup raw honey (exact amount depends upon your taste)

  • ginger beer, for topping


  • Lime wedges

  • Sliced cucumbers

  • Sliced jalapeños

  • Fresh rosemary sprigs

Creating the Magic!

Add cucumbers, lime juice and water to a blender and pinch of salt to a blender. Taste your jalapeños and check how hot they are. Add a couple of chopped jalapeños to the blender (the exact amount will depend upon your taste buds and how hot your pepper is). Taste and add more as needed. Blend until the cucumber and jalapenos are broken down. Add the sweetener (honey) as needed - I didn’t add any and thought it was perfect! Strain the mixture through a sieve.

ASSEMBLY: For each drink, fill an 4-ounce glass halfway with crushed ice. Add 1/2 cup of the mocktail mixture. Garnish with lime wedges, chopped jalapeños, and sliced cucumbers, and top with ginger beer until filled completely. Add a rosemary sprig, if desired.

Sip and Enjoy!


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