fun rhubarb recipes

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Inspired by the rhubarb in my weekly farm share, I went searching for more rhubarb recipes. I came across a great selection of recipes on Martha Stewart’s website. Here are a couple I have tried.

Cherry Rhubarb Sauce

A great sauce to serve with the meat of your choice (think grilled steak or grilled pork chop) or a sharp cheddar! Feel free to adjust the sugar to your liking.

Note - The recipe suggest dried cherries and this is what I used but I am assuming that fresh cherries will also work. You will just need to remove the pits.


1 cup of finely cut rhubarb

1/2 cup dried cherries

1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar

1 tablespoon of olive oil

1/2 cup finely chopped onion

2 tablespoons of sugar

Pinch of nutmeg, salt and pepper

Creating the Magic!

  1. Combine the cherries with the balsamic vinegar and 1/4 cup of hot water. Let stand 10 minutes to soften.

  2. In a small saucepan, heat the olive oil. Add onion and cook until softened, stirring occasionally (about 8 minutes).

  3. Add the cherry mixture, rhubarb and sugar to the saucepan. Reduce heat and simmer until rhubarb has softened, about 5 to 8 minutes.

  4. Stir in the nutmeg, salt and pepper.

  5. Store the sauce in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week.

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Rhubarb Foal

Growing up in England, rhubarb foal was a popular dessert. It consists of pureed rhubarb combined with freshly whipped cream and then it is layered into a dish. I added some strawberries for color and sweetness. For this recipe, I used Courtney’s rhubarb compote recipe and simply combined it with home-made whipped cream. Delicious. Enjoy!

Rhubarb Foal Recipe


drying herbs


radish fennel salad