chocolate cherry smoothie

I love chocolate so I thought I would give this smoothie a go. And it didn’t disappoint. I added additional raw cacao powder and sprinkled it with hemp seeds and loved it. You couldn’t taste the spinach.

This smoothie is part of my spring detox plan. Interested? Then message me at for more information. I will send you a 7 day menu plan and supporting information. The detox is based upon eating a plant-based nutrient dense diet and eliminating toxins from our food (and life!). And just to be clear, this detox plan isn’t a juice cleanse or weight loss program. Our community detox starts tomorrow. It’s not too late to join!


1 cup Cherries (fresh and pitted, or frozen)

1/4 cup Chocolate Protein Powder
1 cup Baby Spinach
1 cup Unsweetened Almond Milk

Creating the Magic!


1. Place all ingredients in your blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a glass and enjoy!


Likes it Sweet

Add more cherries.

Extra Chocolate

Add some cacao or cocoa powder.

Extra Thick

Add ground flax seeds or chia seeds.

No Protein Powder

Use a blend of hemp seeds and cocoa powder instead.


Fat 3g Carbs 28g Fiber 6g Sugar 20g Protein 22g

Amount per serving

Cholesterol 4mg

Sodium 222mg

Vitamin A 3411IU

Vitamin C 19mg

Calcium 615mg

Iron 2mg


chocolate overnight oats


golden Kerala curry