rethinking breakfast plant-based options

Plant based breakfast.jpg

Tired of eating cereal for breakfast? Or the same smoothie you have been drinking for the last couple of months….here are some new ideas to get you going in the morning….

I love breakfast. Especially on the weekends. I love going out for breakfast or drinking coffee on a Saturday and whipping up something fun and exciting while everyone else in my house is still sleeping. But it’s hard not to get stuck in a rut when it comes to breakfast. Most days, especially during the week, time is of the essence and breakfast is usually an after thought. Whenever I can, I like to prep breakfast the night before or even on Sunday for the week ahead. I try to vary what I am eating to ensure I am eating a balanced and diverse diet and this ensures I don’t get burnt out on any one item/recipe. Here are some of my favorites. And just so you know, while I am making myself plant based breakfasts, I am also making bacon for my daughter and husband!

Whole-wheat or multigrain toast with avocado (I love adding lime, salt and a little olive oil) or hummus. Add sprouts and tomatoes for extra veggies.

Chia seed pudding - flavor with cacao, home-made jam, add granola….endless possibilities. Best made the night before so the chia seeds can absorb the liquid.

Oatmeal - if you like to prep the night before, then try soaking your oats and making overnight oats. If you like hot oatmeal I (like me!), try making this Apple Pie Baked Oatmeal. You can combine all the ingredients the night before and then pop it in the oven in the morning. So good!

Home-made granola (I make this in big batches and keep it on hand whenever possible!)

Sweet potato hash with veggies and scrambled eggs - I made this the other day and it was a hit with my husband. Recipe will be coming soon but basically I grated a sweet potato. Then I sauteed it with some onions and red peppers. Add herbs/spices to flavor and make some scrambled eggs on the side.

Smoothie - There are so many options when it comes to smoothies. My go to smoothie is super simple. I use 8 fluid ounces of a plant based milk (nut, coconut or oat milk), add 1 banana, 1 to tablespoons of a nut butter, 2 tablespoons of Spectrum Decadent Bled Flax, Chia, Coconut and Cacao mix and 3 ice cubes. Sometimes I add a scoop of protein powder but it all depends upon what my day is looking like. For protein powder, I like the brand Vega Protein Smoothie Chocolate flavor!

Fresh Juice - I don’t juice as much as I used to but when I do, I love apple, carrot and ginger. It’s super easy and tastes great. Use 1 apple, 1 carrot and fresh ginger (start with a little and add more to taste). Yum!


sunshine immunity smoothie


week one : the reality of homeschooling, working from home and coronoavirus